Dates are deliciously sweet and considered a popular fruit
“From little date seeds, great things are born” Namibian Proverb

10 benefits, interesting facts and uses of dates:
Dates are excellent source of potassium, and are good source of iron and calcium and contain niacin, Vitamin B6 and high in fiber
Dates have a natural sources of folic acid
Dates provide various antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals
100 grams of dates have 75 grams of carbohydrates
Dates are free from cholesterol and contains very little fats
Dates are low water and high sugar content (approximately 93 grams per cup), this is an excellent natural sweetener
Because of the sugar contents of dates, they have a lengthy shelf life (please remember dates can, and do go bad)
To substitute date for white sugar, coconut sugar or maple sugar by making a date paste. The paste is made by mixing dates with little bit of warm water in a blender or by using your hands. The general rule of thumb would be 1:1 ratio of white sugar to date paste, 0.5:1 of maple syrup to dates
Dates can be used as a delicious snack with nuts and seeds. Combination of dates paste, nuts, shredded coconut and seeds will make a healthy snack bars or energy balls
To make vegan syrup, soak pitted dates, dried dates in water for a day, and they dissolve to make a raw, vegan syrup
Life and Health Coach